
Blog Posts

The Impact of Financial Mistakes

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes good people make bad decisions.

If you've made a bad decision about your...

Live Long and Prosper, Bill Burrus!

Back in July, we talked about the latest statistics on longevity in the U.S. and the challenges and opportunities that...

The Consumer Price Index and the Truth about Inflation

Why doesn't 3 percent ever seem to cut it?

That's the question people across the country wind up asking themselves every time...

The Spending Trend: Taming Lifestyle Inflation

Why buy the iPhone 6 when you can get the iPhone 6s for an extra hundred dollars? You will for sure want the insurance—even...

The Health and Wealth Connection

It happens at the beginning of every new year. People flock to gyms, vowing to work out more, eat less, and achieve their...

How to Live Long and Prosper

Prosperity is defined as a "successful, flourishing or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune."...

All That You Leave Behind (Planning your Legacy)

It has been said that only two things in life are inevitable: death and taxes. One you cannot do anything to avoid; the other...

Kick-Start the Savings Habit

It can happen in an instant. One minute you're living a nice life, the next you've lost your job, suffered a serious injury, or...

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